The Precious

This is my journey, my story, anything could be happened. No matter when I'm alone, with my friends, parents, family, or whoever. Maybe I will find my soulmate next.? Only God knows.

Everyday is a walk to remember. Happy, sad, laugh, cry, proud, pain, fail, success, everything is unique. Never be changed, never be repeated, and irreplaceable. People come and go easily, but some of them will always stay beside me. They listen to me, care of me, and of course they will always love me.

At the end, because they are part of my journey, part of my story, and because they still stay beside me and irreplaceable, so I would like to present this page for all of you.. :)

My Parents and Lil Sissy - My Graduation

All Family Member - Ied Mubarrok 1430H

Sabine Juna

Most of My Outdoor Activity, is always with them all below..

Berbackpacker - Klayar Beach, Pacitan, East Java
Cingu - Depok Beach, Bantul, Jogja

My Besties - Graduation